About EDF
EDF Trading recently relocated to an existing tower in downtown Texas with the aim of creating a brand new collaborative, technologically advanced and fresh office space for staff.

Project complexities
Working against the clock on an extremely tight deadline, we worked with the teams on site to deliver an integrated solution on time.
About the project
Their desire was to accommodate the smaller technology, open up the desks underneath, and make the trading floor feel lighter. In addition to the main trading floor EDF also had a large SCADA room that had multiple tower CPUs per user. The client knew these desks had to be heavier than the main space but wanted the aesthetics to line up as closely to the main trading floor without compromising performance.

Trade floor monitor support
A highly custom aspect of all trade floors, trader’s often opt to utilise their own unique screen setup. For this project we saw an unprecedented move towards wide screen setup’s, featuring curved 43″ monitors for maximum trading efficiency.

Project completion
We provided 480 sit-stand desks in both linear and 120 degree configuration. The 2 SCADA rooms had 10 users per room and were made to matched the main space. The overall project housed all of their equipment yet had a much lighter feel. We also provided custom fabric pedestals to match the EDF company brand.